
M. John Family

Fruit processing and marketing unit.

Our goal is to develop the manufacturing process and ensure the excellent quality of the final product in order to offer the consumer the best certified product.

Fruits- Kiwi

The "magic" source with more vitamin C per gram!

kiwi - aktinidia
The "magic" source with more vitamin C per gram!


The most common kiwifruit variety is 'Hayward' and has green flesh. The development of actinia cultivation is largely based on this variety.

In particular, Hayward kiwifruit are known for their large fruit size, high productivity and the ability to preserve the fruit for a long time.


MJF's refrigerator, sorting room and packing room are housed in a building with a total area of 4500 square meters, and has an additional loft of 700 square meters.

Our facilities are located on a privately owned plot of land with a total area of 35 acres.

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